1981 - NewsPeek
1983 - GIN
1989 - SmarTV
1992 - GenMagic
1994 - CDML
1994 - Social Ads
1996 - Venue OS
1999 - Lumeria
Lumeria Whitepaper:
What Is Privacy
Widespread Concern
Why Companies Violate
Fair Info Principles
EU Privacy Directive
Privacy Partners
The Superprofile
A Win-Win-Win
Privacy Statement
Broadcatch Technologies
at |
Lumeria - Your Privacy Partner
Consolidating a person's diversified profile data exponentially amplifies
the value of the information, but also its sensitive nature. Consumers are
not likely to trust existing companies (who currently possess their personal
data) because of their track record of abuse with only nominal amounts of
information. The FTC has repeatedly suggested that consumer concern about
privacy is the most serious obstacle to the potential growth of e-commerce.
Fortunately, Lumeria is creating some revolutionary technologies and an
innovative new business model that will allow them to organize, access and
share their own personal data for fun and profit. This model, the SuperProfile
system, places personal data under the auspices of the individual and is
so robust that it makes the Fair Information Principles as redundant as
a friendly reminder to "be careful." Once an individual is empowered with
the SuperProfile system, they will no longer be dependent upon the goodwill
of the merchant to follow the Fair Information Principles. Nonetheless,
these principles provide a foundation for evaluating the potency of the
SuperProfile system.
1. Notice/Awareness
Lumeria's SuperProfile system is based upon the premise that the individual
owns their personal data. This seemingly simplistic statement fundamentally
alters the principle of notice and awareness. The Federal Trade Commission
advocates that the user be notified of the company's non-binding privacy
policy. Lumeria's solution, however, transfers notice and awareness from
the company's announced procedures to the binding, contractual terms of
the exchange. The company's privacy policy becomes irrelevant because
the individual can negotiate the limitations on the use of the data. If,
for example, the consumer is concerned about the usage of data beyond
the immediate exchange, then they can specify that the purchase of the
data includes only a single usage. Similar restrictions can be placed
on any aspect of the acquisition, control, or use of the data and Lumeria's
SuperProfile system provides the tools necessary to insure that the individual
can enforce these terms.
Obviously, the terms of the exchange can continue to be constructed in
such a way as to exploit a person's data. However, the SuperProfile system
allows individuals to appoint agents (such as Lumeria or other third parties
including banks) who will actively seek the best deals for the individual.
The agent can provide software that highlights deficiencies of any transaction
or warns the individual about a scrupulous deal. Moreover, the SuperProfile
system allows the individual to sell or trade some data about themselves
(e.g. their habits or preferences) while protecting their identity. If
the individual suspects the veracity of the company, they can provide
extremely limited or anonymous data to the company until a relationship
has been established and the merchant is trusted.
2. Choice/Consent
Once Lumeria has given the individual control over the exchange of their
personal data, secondary usage become part of the contract. If the individual
trusts the party, they can provide secondary usage of the data (i.e. their
name for personalized services in the future) but limit its transferability
to any other entity. Also, since the provision of data becomes a contractual
exchange, the assumption is that the individual has a choice about
3. Access/Participation
Personal ownership of an individual's data dictates that the individual
has access to their property. The data's inherent value also suggests
that the individual will actively maintain the data's accuracy and seek
additional information to add to their SuperProfile. Because the individual
owns this data, they can individually determine whether to restrict, delete,
or publish this data.
4. Integrity/Security
As mentioned above, integrity of the data is easier to maintain once
the individual has incentive to maintain its accuracy. Using digital certificates,
Lumeria's SuperProfile system provides the tools necessary for an individual
to authenticate or audit specific data, thereby increasing its value (e.g.
the consumer can provide audited or unaudited information). In addition,
the SuperProfile system utilizes double-blind verification, reputations,
strong encryption, and redundant backup to create a secure, trusted system.
5. Enforcement/Redress
The enforcement principle is Lumeria's strong card. Privacy is difficult
to enforce today because there are few specifically designated privacy
laws. The Constitution, for example, does not use the word privacy. Moreover,
the privacy policy of a company is not a contract and is rarely binding.
Lumeria's SuperProfile system, however, converts ephemeral personal data
into an asset property. When either an individual or a company utilizes
the SuperProfile system, the terms and conditions of participation become
a legally binding contract. This contract is then enforceable by any court
of law utilizing existing contractual law. (Although few countries have
privacy laws, almost all countries have a robust contract law foundation.)
6. Addressing the EU's Concerns
Although the Europeans are considered to have some of the strongest privacy
laws in the world (some EU countries can prosecute some breaches of privacy
under criminal laws), the SuperProfile system would actually exceed EU
guidelines in many areas. For example, the EU Directive does not allow
for anonymous web surfing or e-commerce purchases. In addition, access
to personal data is considerably easier when it's consolidated under the
SuperProfile, rather than having to contact multiple companies to request
the data. Most importantly, the EU Directive does not consider personal
data to be the property of the individual. Consequently, the EU only protects
personal data, but does not provide, like Lumeria's solutions, the numerous
benefits from sharing your data with others (i.e. direct compensation,
discounts, and additional services).